I live in Nigeria, a country where people tend to judge an individual more by appearance and material possessions than by the values inherent in them. Once, I was guilty of such as well, but I have learnt to that there truly is more to an individual than meets the eye.


I would rather be friends with a person that has good values than with one that is good looking but lacks basic values, ‘cos bad company corrupts good character.

I have had the privilege of spending time with some persons living with albinism, and I can honestly say that there is more to them than their lack of melanin, which is of course the first and only thing that most people notice.


If only we open our hearts and minds, we would see that beyond the albino’s skin lies a great depth of wealth that we may never have access to until we learn to look beyond the complexion.

Let’s keep spreading the message



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Mercy Onun is an Brand Management Executive at a Brand Strategy and Communications Organization in Lagos. She is also the Editor-in-chief of Increase Magazine and a teenage coach. She loves to read, write, watch movies and hang out with friends. She can be reached at: mercy.onun@gmail.com

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